Like trees, we have branches and roots.
And without proper care, if we're mishandled, torn down or severely damaged like trees... what is left?
That's exactly what God wants of us, nothing of ourselves and built up by the Holy Spirit ( John 15:3).
My sister, what are your roots grounded in?
According to the website, trees die due to various reasons-does any of these sound familiar? Note, this is not an exhaustive list (italics added by author):
1) environmental damage (look at your surroundings!)
2) diseases (hate, jealousy, envy, complacency etc.)
3) insects, animals & the damage they cause (hanger-ons, people who use and abuse you)
4) age (let the situation go! You've held onto it too long!)
5) chemical poisoning (alcohol, drugs-yes prescription drugs too!!)
Sister, why are YOU slowly dying?
Let Holy Ghost touch you.
Let Him cloak you in the love of Christ.
John 15: 2 says, "Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He [a]prunes it so that it may bear more fruit." (NASB)
What do you have to lose?
Well besides, depression, sorrow, heavy heart, baggage, worries, misery, enslaved mind, low self-worth, fear of failure, fear of success, loveless relationships, life spun out of control etc.
Loss doesn't seem too bad if it entails getting rid of the above, does it?
Like a tree, damage and disease from life isn't immediately obvious in us. But over the course of time, manifestation appears in our lives, doesn't it?
Smile less.
Saddened more often.
Anger apparent.
Settle for less, when God wants us the best for us.
Commit idolatry in the name of love...loving the creation (money too), more than God.
Critical of others.
Allow yourself to be stripped by the Love of God.
Give God your burdens...He'll know what to do with them!!
Matthew 11: 30 says, "For My yoke is wholesome (useful, [a]good--not harsh, hard, sharp, or pressing, but comfortable, gracious, and pleasant), and My burden is light and easy to be borne." (Amplified)
Sister- choose life, choose freedom...choose Christ.
I love you, but He so loves you more!
Hi Ma,
I was hoping to be the 1st to post a comment, and I also want to present to you an internet award. It's just an acknowledgement-and if u like u can post it on ur blog.
i'm proud of you!!
Check it out here:
Get ur award here, ma
Hi Pastor Lanette
I wanted to thank you for all your love and support. Women In Healing has truly been a blessing in my life. After losing my husband and all hope god sent me you to help heal my soul and renew my mind. Thank you for teaching me how to cast my cares upon the lord.
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